After working with IBS (Industrialised Building Systems) Construction for an extended period, we already know all the great benefits that this type of construction brings to the industry.
Sadly however, its uptake within the industry is still somewhat lacking. Whether it is the lack of education amongst industry players or the lack of incentives, many are still sticking to the less efficient, traditional forms of construction.
However, this is all set to change soon as the Borneo Post has forecasted that the government is likely to introduce more incentives to encourage IBS construction through Budget 2023.
The news article reports that this effort is in line with the government’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) programmes.
In Budget 2021, the government proposed extending the tax incentive for projects that use IBS construction (also known as prefabricated construction). This applied to companies that produce at least three basic IBS components or use a system with three of these IBS components.
Furthermore, the National House Buyers Association (HBA) has also submitted a detailed proposal to the ministry of finance.
One of their suggestions for making housing more accessible, even to middle income groups, was to leverage on technology-based construction methods such as (IBS) (industrialised building system) and BIM (building information modelling) software. This move will also help to create job opportunities for the Malaysian people.